• 2'f'& 12'B' Recognized by UGC New Delhi
  • Minority Institution
Teaching Faculties
Teaching Staff
Sr.No. Name of Employee Designation Qualification Mobile Number
01 -- Principal --- --
02 Shri S.N.Shinde IC Principal M.S.W. M.Phil Ph D. 9673580777
03 Shri U.S.Jamdhade Asst. Professor M..S.W. NET 9158277444
04 Shri S.N.Bhadarge Asst. Professor M.S.W. SET 9767791554
05 Shri R.N.Ingole Asst. Professor M.A.Soci.NET 8007992196
06 Shri A.P.Raut Asst. Professor M.S.W. M.Phil 9545477577
07 Ku.S.T.Rathod Asst. Professor M.S.W. M.Phil 8275730288
08 Ku.S.H.Ujade Asst. Professor M.S.W. M.Phil 7385105462
09 Shri R.S.Madavi Asst. Professor M.S.W. M.Phil 9881584904
10 Shri A.N.Bohrapi Asst. Professor M.S.W. M.Phil 9766965956
11 Shri U.A.Ghuge Asst. Professor M.S.W. M.Phil 8554884020
12 Shri P.V.Bukne Asst. Professor M.S.W. M.Phil 9822715454
13 Shri V.B.Gavande Asst. Professor M.S.W. M.Phil 9657703272
14 Dr. D.S.Ambhore Asst. Professor M.A. Psy.,M.Phil., Ph D. 8275318033
15 Shri D.S.Gore Asst. Professor M.S.W. SET 7385122813
16 Shri S.R.Ingole Asst. Professor M.S.W. NET 8623867907
17 Ku.P.N.Sandhani Asst. Professor M.S.W. NET 9763478336
18 A.T.Wagh Asst. Professor M.S.W. NET 9921226874
19 Shri U.S.Bankar Asst. Professor M.S.W. NET 9404638762
20 Shri D.P.Landge Asst. Professor M.S.W. SET 8888688506
21 Ku V.D.Ingle Librarian M.Lib NET 9767229686


Non-Teaching Faculties -
Sr. No. Full Name of the Employee Designation Qualification Mobile No.
1 Shri R.S. Kothari Registrar B.E.,L.L.B. 9823166003
2 Ku.D.M. Mundada O.S. B.Com. 9823166003
3 Shri B.H. Pattebahadur Accountant B.A 9545077444
4 Ku.C.V. Hivale Steno B.A.,Steno, 9604802977
5 Shri A.S. Padghan Cleark B.A., 9021228333
6 Shri M.A. Pinjarkar Filling Clerk B.S.W.,Typ.Steno 9850388331
7 Shri R.S. Tanmane Asst. Lib. B.A.,B.Lib, 9423436142
8 Shri D.H. Wagh Pro. Assistant B.A.,B.Lib. 9403131991
9 Shri J.A .Kamble Lib Assistant H.S.C. 9028928949
10 Shri A.P. Kayande Lib Clerk B.A., 9028946972
11 Shri V.V. Jawale Pro. Assistant B.Lib.,M.Lib. 8275837741
12 Shri N.S, Tanmane Lib Assistant 12th C.Lib 8550962948
13 Shri R.G. Kendale Lib Assistant B.com.C.Lib. 7588961861
14 Shri J.K. Dhongade Lib Peon 12th 8149870412
15 Shri S.P. Madke Lib Peon 12th 9921081309
16 Sau.L.B. Sonune Peon 7th 8698826609
17 Shri S.V. Damodhare Watchman 10th 9637754552
18 Shri S.A .Amle Watchman 10th 7798215709
19 Shri G.S. Fufate Watchman 10th 7768865244
20 Shri S.M. Madke Mali 10th 7276295993
21 Shri V.B.Mohale Driver 12th 8698289041
22 Shri A.R.Khode Cleaner 9th 9922477037


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